8661 North 76th Place, Milwaukee, WI 53223 | A Northwest Milwaukee Catholic Parish

Adult Formation


Christian Formation is not just for kids! Christian Formation is a life-long process of relationship building with Jesus Christ. As an adult Christian, you are probably eager to grow in your relationship with Jesus through prayer, study, and service and St. Catherine is ready to help you by offering opportunities for spiritual growth. Watch the parish bulletin and this website for formation opportunities such as small group book discussions, guest speakers, scripture, and theology study groups. Please contact Lorrie Maples, Director of Christian Formation, 414.365.2020x304 or lmaples@stcatherinemke.org, for more information about Christian Formation opportunities for adults. 

 Bible Basics. If you want to start reading the Bible but don’t know how to begin, then join this group. This is a ‘kitchen table’ style group in that we sit around a table to read, share thoughts, and ask questions about the Bible. We meet on Tuesday mornings, 9:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M., September 28-November 16, in the Parish Living Room at St. Catherine. Bring your own Bible or borrow one of ours. Contact Lorrie Maples, Director of Christian Formation, for more information. 

Scripture Study. Do you want to know more about the Gospel of Matthew? If so, this group may be for you. It meets on Tuesday evenings, 6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.,  in the Granville Room at St. Catherine or on Zoom. Bring your own Bible or borrow one of ours.  Contact Lorrie Maples, Director of Christian Formation to sign up or for more information.

Sunday Mass: The source and summit of all parish activity. It is to the Sunday Eucharist that the parish moves and from the Sunday Eucharist that all parish activity flows. It is the ‘reason for being.’ Christian Formation makes no sense without an anchor in the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration. Join us for Mass at St. Catherine on Saturday at 4:30 P.M. or Sunday at 9:30 A.M.