Human Concerns Committee Member
The Human Concerns Committee seeks to discern the needs of people in the parish and neighborhood. It identifies resources to meet those needs and invites parishioners to join its multiple dynamic ministries to reach out to these families and individuals. The ministry works with community groups and other parishes to address the social problems of this community and keeps St. Catherine parishioners aware of peace and social justice issues on all levels. It attempts to extend Christ's love and compassion and follow in his footsteps by showing compassion to those in need.
Time Commitment: 6 - 8 meetings a year the 2nd Monday of the month; activities as scheduled
Contact: Lorrie Maples, 365-2020, ext. 304;
St. Vincent de Paul
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Members, who are known as Vincentians, are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing. Our St. Catherine conference maintains our food pantry which is open every other Friday morning. They also respond to those who are in need.
Time Commitment: Weekly meetings every other Wednesday morning; every other Friday for food pantry (Click on schedule below.); visits to homes (not all members are involved in all these activities)
Contact: Karl Kramoris 414-354-5728
Food Pantry 2021 (Pantry dates are underlined and highlighted.)
Visitors to the Sick, Nursing Home Residents and Homebound
We extend the compassion of Christ to those who are unable to join us here at church. Those involved in this ministry can simply visit with people in their residence. Or, they may take communion as well. Some who visit nursing homes also lead communion services at times.
Contact: Lorrie Maples, 365-2020, ext. 14;
Rosary and Distribution of Eucharist at The Villa at Bradley Estates
Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. members of St. Catherine pray the rosary and help with the distribution of Communion to the residents at The Villa on 67th and Bradley Rd.
Contact: Paul Schumacher at 414-640-1143
Trinity Eucharistic Ministers
Parish members bring the Eucharist to 12 - 16 Catholic residents at the Trinity assisted care facility on 76th St. and Dean Rd. on Saturday evening or Sunday morning so that residents can stay connected to Christ and His Church.
Time Commitment: Visits scheduled according to your availability, see above for more information
Contact: John Scholz, 414-355-6273 or
Bereavement Ministry
Bereavement Ministry is a group of parishioners who minister to those in the parish who have lost a loved one. They attend the funeral and stay in touch with the family for a year following death. They also hope to expand their ministry to include other kinds of losses such as divorce and unemployment.
Time Commitment: Dependent on scheduled funerals
Contact: Jeanette MacMurdo, 414-354-3843 and Sue Springman, 414-354-4062
Funeral Reception Hospitality
The Granville Room is available to families who would like to hold a funeral luncheon or dinner at church immediately following a funeral. Those involved serve a meal the family has catered. Others are also needed to provide desserts for the meal.
Time Commitment: Dependent on scheduled funerals and request of the family
Contact: Mary Konshak, 414-355-5034 and Carol Croegaert, 414-630-0036
Interfaith for Older Adults
St. Catherine is a sponsor of the Granville Interfaith for Older Adults. This program assists older adults by helping them with transportation needs and shopping, escorting them to doctor visits, running errands for them and doing minor home repairs. Some people simply need someone to visit them. Others need regular check-in phone calls just to make sure they are doing okay. Because Interfaith is sponsored by churches, there is no charge for these services. Also, if you know someone who could benefit from these services, call the Interfaith office as well. They will match the individual with a volunteer(s).
Time Commitment: Dependent on your availability
Contact: Interfaith Office,414-353-0731
St. Vincent de Paul Northside Meal Program
St. Catherine parishioners are responsible for providing and serving dinner at the St. Vincent de Paul Northside Meal program once a month.
Time Commitment: Volunteers are scheduled to serve every other month on the 1st Friday of the month, leaving St. Catherine at 4:15 and arriving back at the parish by 7 p.m.
Contact: Bob and Debbie Wazniak, 414-355-9420
Guest House Lunch Bags (Families with children are welcome to participate.)
Our parishioners join with members from St. Bernadette and Our Lady of Good Hope in making sandwiches and putting together lunch bags for those served by Guest House.
Time Commitment: 1/2 hour on the third Tuesday of the month
Contact: Jim and Judy Dollhausen, 414-357-6731
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the second Friday of every month. The love of knitting and crochet combine a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort. Each shawl begins with a prayer and receives a final blessing on completion.
Time Commitment: The group gathers on the second Friday of the month from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Contact: Mary Kay Brzakala, 262-251-4517 and Judy Laczniak, 262-252-3081